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domingo, 31 de agosto de 2014

You Can Download A Robot Now

Who has not downloaded (and who does not like it?!) free or cracked applications from the internet in order to satisfy a need? But what about downloading robots according to your need? It may sound utopic, but it is almost possible.

With 3d printing we have witnessed that marvelous things can be accomplished with it. Like, printing artificial imitation of human organs in order to be used in transplant surgery, prothesis, printing of scaled models of different things, even guns have been printed!

Firms like InMoov, and i guess there are others in this trend, permit you to download a robot which then afterwards you can 3d-print its components to assemble it later on. I think just the electronic part will be needed.

The term 'Robot' was used for the first time in the 1921 play 'RUR' (Rossum's Universal Robots) by Karl Capek, and it was taken from the Czech word 'Robota' that means obligatory work or servitude. So, by the term a robot is just a 'worker'. A robot is defined as an autonomous entity (automatized, programmed) which is composed of different parts that form its base; and the electronics, which integrates sensors as the information(s) input mean(s), actuators as the information(s) and/or action(s) output mean(s), and the controller(s), among other components.

According to Moore's law, the amount of transistors within a chip double every two year. Due to this, it is possible to have more complex and sophisticated devices in smaller sizes. Raspberri Pi and Hummingbird are examples of full computer CPUs in a credit card size devices, which you just need to connect let's say a display for output and keyboard and mouse for input. With nanotechnology it is not a prediction to say that, as the time passes by, we will witness sophisticated devices, whole solutions, etc, in more convenient sizes with greater capacity and power.

In a close future, the same way we can download uncountable softwares for any need, either free, cracked, trial, open source, etc, it will be possible  to download any robot like the one InMoove offers that can be then printed in a 3d printer and afterwards with some electronic components (taking advantage of Moore's law) with an ease to assemble like the plug-and-play technology (or drag-and-drop in programming) to have a fully functional "worker". 

I guess there will be "trial" robots that will be cracked to make them fully functional. Also, no doubt that with the tendency to have all (software-related) in the cloud (cloud computing technology), we will have Robots As A Service (the same way we actually have Software As A Service in its 3 vertients) since no matter what machine humans invent, they will all depend on coding, and being able to monitor and program them remotely through the Internet of Things will always be a need, unless that still-in-formation web-dependent world gets totally re-invented.

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